Altitude and Attitude

A friend recently prayed for G-d to help her change “her altitude and her attitude.” That simple prayer had a profound spiritual message.  Our altitude  and our attitude are vital keys to living a victorious life of faith.

Feeling down is common. The Psalmist wrote in Psalm 42:

My soul, why are you so downcast? Why are you groaning inside of me? Hope in G-d, since I will praise Him again for being my Savior and G-d.”

In that single verse, the Psalmist outlined the solution to despair. After we acknowledge where we are, (low altitude) we move on to the next step– a right attitude.

We yachal (hope) in G-d. This Hebrew word means to wait, be patient, stay and trust. We remain in fellowship with Him. We seek His attitude (perspective) and remember all of His promises.

He told us that ‘all things will work together for good’ (Romans 8:28) We can trust His word.

Finally, we choose to praise Him. Praise (tehillah) means a song. It is taken from the root word Halal (where we get our word halleluyah-literally praise G-d).

We sing, celebrate, and give glory to HaShem. Depression leaves when you are singing praises to the Almighty G-d. Music lifts your spirit, Your heart becomes merry, which is “good medicine”  (Proverbs 15:13).  “He who is of a merry heart has a continual feast.” (Proverbs 15:15)

We need to look up! Submit our altitude and attitude to HaShem. He will raise us above the low altitude of despair. As His attitude becomes our attitude, it will have an enormous impact upon us, our family, and all those we meet.     

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